
Showing posts from November, 2013

Baby Girl of Africa

#BringBackOurGirls  Baby girl, I see your dreams. How dare you be so naive  You are a daughter of Africa and at birth is where those aspirations you should leave. You will taste a pain unimaginable, your innocence wont follow you into your teens Because baby girl, you are a daughter of Africa and this place is mean. Baby girl, I hold your hand and wonder how I will keep you safe, How can I protect you from this evil that is your inevitable fate?     How could I be so selfish to bring you into this world, how could I be so unkind? I knew full well of this place and its evil, but couldn't leave my yearn to have you behind. I fear I am powerless in protecting you. Will you ever forgive me?  Baby girl, when you too become just another statistic, Oh Baby girl, this place is evil and the men who live here are sick and sadistic.