The mating of soul

There is something in my core and soul that irresistibly pushes me to connect with you. I thought this was just lust or an attraction grown out of deficiencies in my life. I thought I must be looking for a distraction -but I know now that you are my soulmate.

The thing about love is that it sometimes just arrives unexpectedly, like a family member that you have never met suddenly announcing that they are at your front door. You don’t expect him, nor did you invite him over, but while he stands on your porch, there is a strange sense of familiarity that comforts you and so you invite him in for tea.

Love sometimes comes with two souls just connecting, the conversation needn’t be consciously profound. It comes with eyes that meet across a room, eyes that speak their own language where the mouth need not take part, a deep feeling of knowing and connection.

I feel irrationally and strongly attracted to you and yes this attraction might manifest as or be confused with romantic or sexual attraction, but at the same time I know it runs way deeper than that. I crave the sound of your voice and your breath on me when you speak, the heat your body emits when standing near me and the way your eyes penetrate my soul with a mere glance.

This is more than a matter of the heart, it’s about two souls that must have shared a dance or a life in another realm, two souls who already know all there is to know about the each other, while their physical beings still have much to learn.

Two souls, connected to other life partners are seeking each other out, yearning for a moment of solitude to merely connect without fear or distraction, a moment for two souls to mate.

Two souls have mated, one heart moves on and the other is broken. Suddenly the joy and closeness two souls once shared is lost between the remnants of a shattered heart.

-You see my dear, these are the dangers of chasing after matters of the soul.


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