
Showing posts from March, 2013

Conversations With My Inner Child

I wrote this a year or two after getting clean,but now that I have kids, I think it more aptly acts as advice for them.   Staring in the mirror, don't forget to look inside, don't forget that little girl you hide.  

Dear Husband

Here is very recent one: Motherhood sure can put pressure on a marriage :   I hear you in the other room, playing and giggling with our son, I feel left behind sitting here, our daughter on my chest- sounds like you’re having fun. All day my arms are wrapped around a little person’s body and I miss your touch and your smile- And wish when you came home at night, that you would hold me for a while. Instead we spend the night comforting our kids, angry with each other, What happened? We seemed to have found our groove, before making our son a big brother.

Through the Eyes OF Innocence

Another high school English assignment- not sure what year though- but I must have been a real emo teenager. Where do we go from here? I am cold, angry & filled with fear. Daddy is black, mommy is white, society wont ever let our family be right. Despite what they know, despite what they see, My family & I together we will be. But they bashed it down, tore it apart, my family, my home,my broken heart.

Halfway Heart

This poem I wrote back in grade 8 (2000) It was an English assignment and one of my best pieces. Shuts out the inside from the out,  the silence from the sound,            the darkness from the light, the dulness from the bright My heart: wood, pine, smooth, a brass handle the tiniest keyhole the smallest latch.