Halfway Heart

This poem I wrote back in grade 8 (2000) It was an English assignment and one of my best pieces.

Shuts out the inside from the out,
 the silence from the sound,
           the darkness from the light,
the dulness from the bright

My heart: wood, pine, smooth,
a brass handle
the tiniest keyhole
the smallest latch.

Where is the key?
Who has it now?
I need it back
The door may not be opened,
yet I so eagerly giveaway the key.

The door shuts it all out,
inside I have myself, I am not alone..
I have dignity, respect  & love.

At first once the door is opened, those
those who enter are beautiful, kind,
they smile, kiss me,
 &tell me sweet lies of staying an eternity.
then suddenly leave just a I hand over the key..

They kick the door down on their way out,
rip it out, tear it apart! Stranngers?
Burglars  who have stolen everything.
Why does this always happen? Once again I ask this questions too late.
Am I incapably loved, or just too easily played a fool?

Now I am alone, in my dark ,morbid, round room,
without the door that sealed me off from insanity and from you.
There is no latch, no lock, no key.

All the darkness, sadness & pain comes back, it is cold inside.
a deep depression seeps through my walls without corners,
like a roof with a terrible leakage.
There is an icy wind,
it is wet and dingy.

The tears stream down my face,
it feels like acid rain.
The pain is so deep & so intense it is too great to feel
and I..a numbed.

All because I trusted you with the key
to my once beautiful, smooth, pine door.
its brass handle.. now shattered into minute pieces
like a broken mirror..too small & too scattered to ever be mended        


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